Notary Public Statement Florida. Another oddity of the Florida Jurat is to include a statement on the certificate regarding what type of identification was used by the signer. Do you affirm the previous three statements?* Yes, I assert that identifying information provided in this application (other than my social security number, which I am aware is automatically exempt from public disclosure, pursuant to FL.
Notary publics need to make sure that they assess each client thoroughly before actually putting their approval on This is why they have to be very careful.
The notary public must maintain the proof.
The Florida notary acknowledgement forms are legal instruments which a notary public uses to validate a person's signature. Do you affirm the previous three statements?* Yes, I assert that identifying information provided in this application (other than my social security number, which I am aware is automatically exempt from public disclosure, pursuant to FL. The Notary Public should not make the statement about the authenticity of the document, as the Notary Public is not.