Office Workplace Inspection Checklist Format. Office Environments Inspection Checklist Example. Functions of an Effective Workplace Inspection Checklist.
Inspection Date: Instructions for checklist completion: • All items should be answered Yes / No or N/A. • Any corrective actions which are not able to be immediately resolved are to be reported to the WHS unit by completing an Accident/Incident/Injury/Hazard Notification Form.
Workplace Inspection Checklist Occupational Safety WORKPLACE INSPECTION CHECKLIST (Sample) Ministry: Date: Work Site Address: Office Manager/Supervisor: Inspected by: JOSH Worker Rep: JOSH Employer Rep Workplace inspection checklist.
Are you and your colleagues aware of the People in your office who are responsible for inspection can use this checklist as a guide to pass through main steps of workplace safety inspection. How to make your workplace safe? Instantly Download Workplace Inspection Checklist Template, Sample & Example in Microsoft Word (DOC), Google Docs, Apple Pages Format.