Office Depot Clasp Envelopes. We are sorry, but Office Depot is currently not available in your country. Get today's Office Depot Inc stock price and latest ODP news as well as Office Depot real-time stock quotes, technical analysis, full financials and more.
Clasp is ideal for filing, storage or mailing. Clasp envelopes get their name from the metal clasp that can be used to keep the envelope shut. Powered by talented people in multiple countries across Europe, who proudly serve customers all over the world.
LD's high-quality clasp envelopes feature a dual-purpose seal and strong metal clasps that allow for repeated use.
Many feature clasps, are self-sealing or come heavily gummed, so materials remain safe throughout the mailing process.
Get today's Office Depot Inc stock price and latest ODP news as well as Office Depot real-time stock quotes, technical analysis, full financials and more. Reinforced metal clasp closure helps secure your documents inside the brown envelopes. Our premium envelopes are great for mailing out bulky documents or sharing inter-office paperwork amongst colleagues.