Nursing Care Plan Template Dementia. Nursing care plans are widely used in hospitals. Dementia Nursing Care Plan - Free download as Word Doc (.doc /.docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online.
This nurse care plan is great in helping you organize your patient notes on a single sheet.
Dementia involves progressive decline in two or more of the following areas of cognition: memory, language, calculation, visual-spatial perception, judgment, abstraction, and behavior.
Look for a new care plan video every other week! Establishment of Care Plans Goal: Care plans are developed by the interdisciplinary team, which includes the person with dementia, family/legal representative and the staff who work directly with the person. - All people with dementia new to the SCE (or being. moved or assigned new staff) receive a. Nursing Care Plans and Documentation: Nursing Diagnoses and Collaborative P.