Nonprofit Audit Committee Charter Examples. The model audit committee charter is designed to illustrate common or leading practices typically set out in an audit committee charter. Board Committee Charter Template. (governance, audit, fundraising, finance, etc.) Sample Audit Committee Charter- National Council of Nonprofits (Template).
The purpose of the Audit Committee (the "Committee") is to assist the Board of Trustees ("Board") in its general oversight of the Foundation's accounting and financial reporting processes, audits of the financial statements, and internal control, and audit functions.
Approve the annual risk-based Audit Plan prepared by the Group Internal Auditor as approved by the Executive Board.
Cutting Costs Lease Versus Buy Assessments and Audits of Nonprofit Financial Management Practices - - - Various Assessments to Check the Financial Health of Your Nonprofit - - - Financial. Sample committee charter for the audit committee. Examples of nonprofit organizations include hospitals, universities, national charities, churches, and foundations.